Working on wonderful, or “WOW” service is always top of mind for every interaction with our customers. It starts from the second we pick up the phone. Customers delight in our greeting which announces “It’s a great day at PBK”. The secret behind this simple greeting is that we don’t just say it, we mean it. It really is a great day at PBK for many reasons, but mostly because we genuinely love what we do!
We strive to build lasting relationships with our customers, and we do this by focusing on their needs. We research online to understand the vibe of their area and what exciting events they have planned. This information allows us to suggest products that they may not have thought of, items that will help grow their business. Because their success is our success!
The Partner reps analyze information daily to determine trends and best sellers. Having up-to-date analytics is one way we keep current with our customer’s sales trends. It’s wonderful to use a report showing purchasing history to make their re-order process simpler.
We pride ourselves in providing timely responses to each and every customer. We know that they are busy store owners with huge daily tasks and responsibilities. It’s critical that we respond efficiently, and we do so while making each interaction pleasant and fun.
To achieve “WOW” service, we consistently strive to provide innovative solutions and suggestions to help grow our customers business. We love working with a house account helping them achieve the Junior, Senior or Graduate level. It is especially rewarding for our entire team to be a part of a Mom & Pop success story, and we take pride in being a part of their team.
Finally, we always find exciting ways to stay positive and motivated in the workplace. We celebrate our successes and learn from our mistakes as we overcome challenges as a team. We have fun events in our office to keep morale high at all times, whether it’s through buffet days, ice cream or pizza parties, or friendly office competitions, we like keep things lively!