Fall is the perfect time to drive sales and engage your community.
Fall is a beautiful time of year, so plan on using the colors of the season to attract customers to your store. By combining Fall colors with blackboards, rulers and apples, you can really play up the back-to-school theme. Using chalk style box signs to further accent your displays can get your customers thinking about teacher gifts.
To make shopping a multi-sensory experience, use fun fall lights in mason jars to create a lasting impression. Use familiar scents that are associated with the season; cinnamon, pumpkin, and apple cider to make a lasting impression. To tie in your back-to-school theme, bake or purchase cookies to serve to your customers in the shape of school buses, or crayons.
Because the fourth quarter is an extremely busy time of the year for most stores, it’s a great time to focus on creating sales. Take time to find ways to engage your local community. A perfect way to accomplish this is to encourage your customers to get involved. There are many ways to promote engagement. You could organize a school supply drive or collect books for a local library. Reward your customers for their generosity with coupons, or thoughtful giveaway items.
As always, make your events fun! Giving back to your local community should be an inspiring experience which will leave your customers with the feeling that they’ve made a valuable contribution to the community.
Posting updates on social media, or displaying pictures and posters in your store highlighting the success of your community event will continue to engage and inspire your customers.